Weight Loss Report

Special Report on Weight Loss, Exercise and Health

By Sue Wery, Certified Fitness Trainer & Weight Loss Consultant


 With the overwhelming epidemic of obesity and preventable diseases in this day, the public needs to made aware of the simple steps that can be taken to improve overall health, control weight, and increase energy levels.  In this report below, I have put together the basic facts needed to attain healthy goals for anyone at any age.  It’s never too late to start a healthier lifestyle.  Simple steps are what it takes to achieve these goals.  The report takes you from the basic knowledge of weight loss, thru the methods of eating right and the importance of adding activity to your daily routine with easy to follow facts, tips and suggestions for a healthier you.

Importance of Calories


It’s a simple trade-off…calories in (eat) vs. calories out (activity).


Your body burns calories for fuel.  Everything you eat contains a certain amount of calories, which stores in your fat cells to be used as energy throughout your day.  The more energy you expend, the more calories your body burns.

One pound equals 3,500 calories.  Once your body burns 3,500 more calories than you take in, you’ll lose a pound.  The reverse is true, taking in 3,500 calories more than you burn (not necessarily what you eat), and you’ll gain a pound.


Weight loss done correctly is a slow and continuous process.  You didn’t just put those extra pounds on overnight, therefore, you must realize that taking them back off requires time and patience and a continuous calorie deficit (burning more than you take in) just as putting the weight on required a continuous calorie overload.  If you are wishing to lose weight at a steady and healthy pace, you must burn about 500 less calories per day than you are taking in to lose a pound per week.  An easier way to do this is to cut back about 250 calories and perform an activity to burn the other 250 (about ½ hour avg. per day), which is ultimately the healthiest approach to weight loss.  Exercise will strengthen body and reduce stress, making everyday tasks easier to accomplish.  You won’t feel deprived cutting out only 250 calories per day and the exercise may help you burn an extra pound or two in the process by boosting your metabolism (the body’s calorie burning regulator).


One easy step in doing this is to begin eating more fruits and vegetables with every meal.  Try new ones you haven’t tried to give yourself a large array of choices in your meals.  The more variety of foods you eat, the more fulfilled you’ll feel, even on less calories.  Find easy, delicious recipes and use spices to liven up your meals.  Eat very lean cuts of meat and low-fat dairy choices which will give you the protein needed to stay full until your next meal.  Eat 5-6 small meals per day to keep your body burning calories consistently.  Make each meal between 300-500 calories per day, depending on your ideal calorie intake for the day.


Figure out how many calories you are now taking in vs. how many you should be taking in to get to the weight you want to be at:


To figure this out, take your goal weight divide by 2.2 = [A]

Multiply [A] x 24 (hours per day) = Your Total Calorie Intake to get to and remain at this weight.

Do the same with your current weight and compare the two numbers to see how much you should cut your calorie intake.  It’s never a good idea to cut more than 500 calories per day for extended periods of time, unless you are under a supervised eating plan.  Otherwise, your body will think you are in the middle of a famine and slow down into ‘starvation mode’ which will cause you to store fat for energy.  In this state you’ll be burning water and muscle instead of fat.  You want to keep your metabolism running consistently by staying nourished throughout the day with good foods.  Exercise will up your calorie burn and increase your metabolism, even while you rest. 


Here are some suggestions to begin a healthier eating regimen:

Cut out the highly processed foods, such as boxed dinners and potato chips.  Watch the high sugar content in sweetened fruit juices and fat-free snacks.  Keeping your processed sugar intake low will surely help to shrink your fat cells.  Processed sugar has no nutritional value.  Don’t waste precious calories on non-nutritional contributors such as soda and alcoholic beverages.  Start drinking unsweetened teas or add lemon to your water.  Drink a lot of these to keep your body hydrated, which also keeps you feeling full longer.  Drink water with every meal to help fill your stomach.


Steer clear of starchy foods, such as enriched breads, pastas and cereals.  Replace them with whole-grain choices as they do not contain the starches that turn directly to fat and they contain fiber as a benefit.  White potatoes and corn are other starches that you should avoid eating in large quantities, but don’t cut them out completely.  The fiber in a potato is beneficial to your digestive system.  Eat saturated fats in moderation, instead replace them with good fats such as monounsaturated as found in fish, nuts and olive oil.


Always include your favorite foods into your improved eating plan, but watch the portion sizes so you don’t overdo it all in one meal.  If you go out to eat your favorite dish, box half of your plate before digging in and enjoy it as another meal.  That is one way you won’t deprive your body of the foods you love and it’s a painless way to keep your calories in check.  Just be sure to take your time and savor every bite of your meal.  Another tip is to drink water in between bites so you’ll feel satisfied with the smaller portion of food.


For more great eating tips, there is a very informative “how to” book that takes you thru steps of successful weight loss.  It called the Successful Weight Loss E-Book .

Portion Control

The size of your meals alone is how you can eat most of your favorite foods and still control your weight.  When it comes to portions, size does matter!  The amount of food people eat are more of a problem than what they eat.  For instance, a restaurant sized portion of pasta is usually 4 times the recommended serving amount.  Because it is labeled low-fat or heart-smart, you would tend to eat the entire portion, however, these extra servings could add an extra 600 calories to this meal alone.  Learning portion control and serving sizes is a definite plus in controlling your calorie intake.  Carefully read serving sizes on food labels as many packages can be misleading. 


Know your portions by using these guidelines:

1 cup = size of fist

½ cup - cupped hand

1 tsp. = size of thumb tip

2 Tbsp. = size of golf ball

1 oz. cheese = size of six dice

3 oz. servicing of meat = size of deck of cards


Also, use the convenient 1, 2 and 3 cup size Ziploc or other brand disposable bowls to make measuring your foods easy and foolproof.



Portion Control Made Easy - The Divided Plate Plan

This is an extremely easy concept that works for everyone who doesn’t want to or have the time to measure their foods.  You can easily control your portion sizes by following these three easy steps:


Divide your plate into 4 quarter sections.

1.  Fill 2 sections with vegetables and fruit (half the plate)

2.  Fill 1 with a protein food such as meat, beans or low-fat dairy

3.  Fill the last with carbohydrates such as whole grain rice, bread or low-fat potato dishes


Do not pile the food high, keeping portion control in mind.  Eat slowly--If you are still hungry after one plate, fill your plate again with vegetables only.   Whether fresh, canned or cooked you will fill up on vegetables before the calorie content becomes a concern.  Just be sure not to use fattening or high sodium sauces in the cooking process.


This plan alone will help you to control portions, control your calorie intake and help you achieve your weight loss goals.  It is especially helpful when dining out and eating at buffet-style restaurants.  If you can’t help but go up a second time at buffets, and just can’t do all veggies, eat some lean protein, like skinless turkey or chicken, but leave out the starches such as potatoes and pasta.  Don’t go for a third keeping overall portion control in mind!


Up Your Calcium Intake

Like most people, you watch your dairy intake because of it’s bad reputation of being high-calorie and high-fat.  However, it has been discovered that when calcium levels are low, your body promotes fat production and energy storage and suppresses your fat-burning system.  In recent studies, subjects obtaining their calcium from dairy products have had significantly greater weight control, less fat around the middle and more lean body mass.  Unfortunately, calcium supplements don’t compare to eating actual dairy products.  And leafy greens, although they do contain calcium, are not absorbed as quickly and sometimes nutrients get lost in the process.


To add more dairy calcium to your diet, look for low-fat yogurt that is also low in sugar.  Eat at least one serving per day.  Add fresh berries and lemon juice to plain unsweetened yogurt for the ultimate disease-fighting benefits, also great for your digestive system.  Have a glass of non-fat milk 2-3 times per day.  The recommended calcium (from dairy) intake is about 3 servings, or 900 mg per day. of the recommended 1,200 mg.  In most cases, other foods you consume will contain the remaining amount of calcium needed, but dairy calcium in a must in any well-rounded weight control plan.

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