1. Be skeptical of easy weight loss claims.
Most of the 'magic' weight loss liquids, pills and powders you hear about
on the radio guaranty their results by restricting food intake for their "magic pill" to work, something they don't mention
in their ads.
2. Embrace a mind set that successful
weight loss is based on establishing and keeping a negative calorie balance, which means you have to expend more calories
that you consume, which needs to be done over a continuous period of time.
3. Therefore, establish a realistic expectation
for weight loss. One to two pounds a week is perfect. If you feel that pace is too slow or not enough then
you're setting yourself up for frustration. Patience and determination are important keys to successful and continual
weight loss.
4. Weight loss occurs easier with exercise.
By expending more calories and adding muscle you are increasing your metabolism, which is your calorie burner. The importance
of exercise is to make it a part of your daily activity; make it a habit. Tip: Listen to the same music during
each workout for 1 week and everytime you hear that music your body will automatically want to exercise (it works!!)
5. Don't expect exercise to do it all.
Exercise does help burn additional calories, but when done in conjunction with eating fewer calories, you'll see results
much faster! Exercise will give you a bigger appetite, so it's important to keep your portions regular. Eat foods
that compliment your exercise and give you the greatest health benefits such as fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads
and cereals, and avoid processed foods and enriched flours. Get the Successful Weight Loss e-book for the most up to date, valuable information such
as this.
6. Stay on track; be specific in what
you're going to do and when. Have a plan and stick to it.
7. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
Set weekly mini-goals, such as to work out three times, rather than to lose 5 pounds. This will bring you added motivation
naturally by accomplishing an easy but effective goal.
8. When
you simply don't feel like exercising, but know you should...do your favorite easy exercises for 10-15 minutes just to get
the blood pumping. Throw in a set of push-ups, crunches and squats for a quick all-over body toner.
9. Celebrate successes. Keep a list
of the goals you want to achieve and buy yourself something nice (like a new set of hand weights!). Share your workout
plans with co-workers, friends an family. As they notice your motivation and results they will mention it, raising
your self-esteem and determination.
10. Find the Satisfaction Within - A good
workout will clear your head of stress, give you a great sense of accomplishment and make your body and mind stronger.