The Calcium Connection

Got Milk? Lose Fat!

I have known for a long time there is a connection between higher calcium levels in the body and faster weight loss, but little did I know my calcium pills were not doing the job. 

There are amazing new findings on the relationship between diary calcium levels and weight loss. The latest studies are showing an interesting pattern in weight loss of fatty tissue, instead of water and muscle in direct relation to high calcium levels in the body.

Calcium derived from dairy has been found to produce fat-burning hormones that help break down and release fat from your body, and at the same time, suppress the formation of new fat. Numerous studies have confirmed that as calcium intake goes up, body weight and body fat go down.

Dietary calcium in the proper amount will assist in the shrinking of fat cells, especially around your midsection, leaving you with less of a spare tire. Also discovered, unfortunate for most women, is that calcium supplements, although beneficial to bone health, don't match the fat-burning effects found in calcium through dairy foods.

Traditionally, dieters avoid diary products in an effort to get leaner. However, a low dairy-calcium diet actually plumps up fat cells as your body tries to preserve its low calcium stores.

It has been discovered that there is a fat producing gene that is turned on by low calcium levels and turned off by the presence of high calcium levels. In other words, higher dairy calcium levels increase your bodys fat-burning mechanism.

Most diet plans will cause you to lose water and muscle first before fat stores are released. The body tends to hold onto fat longest for it's survival. Promising findings from dairy research is that those who follow weight loss diets high in calcium-rich dairy foods were better able to preserve and protect lean muscle while letting go of fat stores more willingly.

Another important aspect of a calcium-rich diet is the formation of stronger bones. As we age, our bones become brittle and the risk of osteoporosis, a bone crippling disease, becomes greater. The best fight against this threat is to consistently give your bones a healthy dose of calcium and include resistance exercise in your weekly routine to further strengthen bones, which will benefit you now and well into your later years.

In order to add calcium to your diet without compromising your ideal calorie and fat intake, choose low-fat yogurt with low sugar content. Go for plain yogurt and add fresh berries for an immune system-building boost. You should enjoy about 1-2 servings of yogurt daily. The good bacteria in yogurt will not only benefit your immune function, reducing the risk of common ailments, but will also keep your digestive system running properly. Drink non-fat or ½ % milk and choose low-fat or lite cheeses for the ultimate calcium benefits with the lowest of saturated fats.

You should eat or drink 2-3 servings of dairy per day to get the recommended 900-1,000 mg of dairy-calcium needed to assist your body in the proper breakdown and excretion of fat. The remaining amount of the recommended daily allowance of 1,300-1,500 mg will likely come from other foods you consume.

You probably know that leafy green vegetables contain calcium, however, these foods also contain compounds that bind with calcium and prevent its full absorption. You would need to eat about 8 cups of broccoli to match the calcium in 3 cups of milk, besides, the dairy calcium is absorbed by the body more efficiently than from other sources.

Researchers believe that dairy products contain a host of nutrients that work together with the calcium to boost the metabolism and assist the body with weight regulation.

Perhaps its time to change current thinking and add the cheese back into your sandwiches, drink your milk just like Mom always pleaded, and enjoy a low-fat frozen yogurt treat guilt-free, all in the name of good health and a thinner waistline.

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