While performing these exercises, it is important that you do not stretch
your neck and head forward which will cause injury. Be sure to use hands only to hold weight of your head or place hands
behind ears (not head), chin up (look up at ceiling), use stomach muscles (squeeze) to lift shoulders or legs with each move.
If your lower back bothers you while performing
moves where your legs are up, instead keep them down, bend your knees, heels on floor. This will
alleviate all back pressure.
1. Lie on back, knees bent, on heels; Press upper body toward ceiling (Pic 1) and twist to
right (Pic 2), back to center and down (4 Moves=1 rep). Press up again, twist to left, back to center and down
(2nd Rep). Repeat going Right, then Left, 3 sets of 10. Open legs for different muscle effect.
2. Crunch - Legs up, knees slightly bent, pelvic in. Press elbows to knees for 2 counts; use stomach
muscles to bring lower body up to meet upper body and 'crunch' for 2 counts (In). Press arms out and legs to ceiling
for 2 counts (out). Keep shoulders raised. Repeat 3 sets of 10 (1-2, out-2, 2-2, out-2, etc.).
3. Cycle Crunch-Angle legs slightly, cycle legs slowly, bringing left elbow to right knee, then right
elbow to left knee, cycling back and forth for 3 sets of 10. Keep lower back on floor and use upper and lower stomach
muscles with each move, not momentum.
4. Lower Rounds-Bring both knees in to rib cage, press heels up to ceiling and slowly lower straight
legs 3/4 back down before pulling knees into rib cage again (equals 1 count). Keep hands under butt to take pressure
off lower back.
5. With legs straight up, feet flexed, press arms down toward floor at hips, pressing stomach muscles
with each count, releasing briefly in between counts. Turn palms up for 2nd set, back down for 3rd. (works slightly
different muscles).
6. Crossover - Legs straight up, touch left hand to right toe, then right hand to left toe. Go
back and forth, 1 count for each toe touch. Use stomach muscles, not momentum to make each lift.
7. Full Stomach Press-Heels open on floor, knees together, hands behind ears; Press shoulders
up, keeping chin up and feel tighten entire stomach muscle from rib cage to pelvic. Hold for 2 counts and release
for 1 (1 rep). Repeat 3 sets of 10.
8. Side Obliques - On heels, angle legs & lower body to right; press shoulders up toward ceiling,
using your side stomach muscles. Up for 1 counts, release for 1 count (1 rep). Do 3 sets of 10 and repeat on other
9. Lay on side, bend legs into a chair position, hands behind ears; pull right leg up to meet right
elbow, crunching side stomach muscles, release and repeat. 3 sets of 10, then repeat other side.