Things to know before you begin the Basic Body Toning Routine:
- Keep body aligned and muscles tight during each move.
- Be sure to count out your repetitions (numbers) to assure that you are breathing properly.
- Keep back straight by pulling stomach in.
- Never repeat a move that causes pain.
- Use your muscles to do each move; not momentum!
- Stretch out your muscle for a count of 10 if it becomes too tight (stretch
examples included)
- Use your favorite medium-tempo CD or tape and use with this routine. After a few
times, when you hear that music, your body will automatically want to exercise!
Start the Routine with a 5-minute warm up-- Do 2
sets of 10 of consistent movement of the upper and lower body to warm muscles.
Tip: Never stretch cold muscles; they are like silly putty and can
With legs shoulder width apart, use a continuous up & down squatting movement to warm the knees/legs while working
the arms as follows:
1. Stretch left hand over head, then right hand, work legs with a slight up & down squatting motion.
Feel the pull in the sides and the loosening of your shoulders.

2. Backstroke each arm, slightly swaying on each leg as arm goes back. Loosen those shoulders muscles.

3. Pull fist up rib cage and stretch other arm out, repeat other side, going back and forth. Each
side is one count.

4. Punch diagonally across chest, left then right. Squatting slightly on the punch and straightening
legs before punching out other side. Works waist while loosening back muscles.
5. Twist upper body all the way right on the down squat, up, then left, using exaggerated arm movement
in front and behind to assist in the twist. Keep lower body still, twisting torso only. Works your waist.
6. Start with straight arms and curl in to shoulders, squatting legs slightly (1); Press fists
up to ceiling, straightening legs (2); bring arms back down (squatting), then straight out (straight legs), repeat.
Loosens upper body. 4 moves = 1 count

Arms to Ceiling (legs straight) |
7. Hands behind ears, march in place lifting knee to opposite elbow, squeezing stomach muscles; keep
all muscles tight. Concentrate on the "push-off" motion to work those legs and pull them up to your elbow. Avoid
bending forward.

8. Now do another version of that same move this time bringing arm over to opposite knee; doing a deeper
stomach crunching move. Exaggerate the move for better results.
Repeat of these last two moves for one more set each.