This Book will Show You How! |

Eat Right!
To make this goal successful, you need to follow this plan as closely as possible. You’ll begin to notice that it’s not so hard to follow because you will not go hungry as you
do on certain fad diets.
Eat every time you are hungry. If you keep the body nourished
and satisfied your metabolism keeps humming along just fine. It’s when
you’re feeling hungry and tired that your body stops burning calories at a normal pace.
The most important fact in this strategy is to eat many small meals per day.
By eating a small portion every 3-4 hours, you virtually have no slow down periods in your metabolism’s calorie
burning routine.
Keep portions small – If you keep your hunger satisfied on a regular basis, there will be no need
to devour foods mindlessly. Carry around small bags of fruit, like grapes or
cherries, or whole fruit like an apple (an apple a day keeps your digestive system humming along, especially if you up your
fiber intake and become irregular) an orange, peach, etc. A piece of whole fruit
and a few whole grain crackers should be considered one meal within a 3 hour period.
Perhaps the next meal will be a cup of soup and ½ sandwich, then eat the other half of sandwich as your next meal,
3 hours later.
If you’re used to gorging on a large dinner, start using a small salad plate instead. Make sure the food on the plate does not touch each other—this will assure proper portion sizes. Give yourself an hour to see if you are still hungry and if you are, continue eating
vegetables or fruit only.
If your schedule simply does not allow for this kind of plan and you eat 3 meals a day, then be sure you
are eating enough protein with every meal to keep you feeling full well until your next meal.
If you cut out the empty carbohydrates and replace them with whole grains and proteins, you won’t feel the effects
of hunger and likely won’t overeat at your next meal.
Here are simple guidelines to follow:
- Eat every
time you’re hungry, but make it a small portion if in between meals
o By letting yourself get too hungry, you are more likely to crave sweet and salty foods. By keeping your stomach satisfied with lean proteins and fibrous foods, you won’t feel the hunger
pangs associated with dieting.
- Make every
bite count – concentrate on nutritious foods, not empty calories
Adding fiber and protein to your meals will keep you feeling full until the next meal. When you eat empty carbs, such as bakery goods, you will won’t get a feeling
of being “full” because sugar spikes insulin production in your bloodstream which sparks your appetite.
- Stay away
from ‘white’ foods – they are highly processed
Except for the potato (which is natural), highly processed foods such as white bread,
pasta and white rice will immediately turn to fat, not giving your body any nutritional value.
- No more bakery
goods – full of empty calories; replace them with sweet fruits
You’ll find that slowly replacing sweets with sweet fruits such as kiwi, grapes
and berries is not so hard. This change will make you feel more energetic, protects
your immune system from common ailments and can improve the appearance of your skin.
- Don’t
buy non-fat foods – sugar is added to make them taste good
Taking the saturated fat out of products makes them bland, so the food companies add
sugar in many different forms to their product to make them taste good. Any ingredient
ending in “ose” such as fructose is sugar and is sometimes disguised on non-fat products. Ironically, these ingredients turn to fat immediately, so your “Non-fat” product is actually
causing you to store fat!
- Buy whole
grains only – discontinue using enriched flour products
Whole grains move through the body slower absorbing calories in their journey, helping
you to burn more calories just by eating these body-healthy foods. Look for the
word “whole grain” as the main ingredient and avoid breads that contain “enriched” flours.
- Buy richly
colored fruits and vegetables – they are packed with nutrition
The richer the color, the richer the nutrient content.
Darkly colored fruits and vegetables will give you the best vitamin and nutrient boost.
Again, avoid white lettuce which has virtually no nutritional value.
- Pasta = fat;
change your thinking, you don’t need pasta to make it a good meal
Eating a plate of spaghetti (4 cups) will add a whopping 600 calories to your meal,
not counting the sauce--and if it’s not whole grain, will turn directly to fat.
Anytime you can replace pasta in your meals or avoid it altogether, you’ll be cutting calories and fat. Try string squash as an alternative to spaghetti noodles. When pasta is necessary in a meal, eat it sparingly.
- Switch to
whole grain rice dishes
Boxed rice dishes are high in sodium and usually contain white rice. Cook whole grain rice, which is high in fiber and add low-sodium sauces and chopped veggies to the dish
to make it more delicious and nutritious.
- Give up boxed
dinners; they are full of sodium and cholesterol
If you can give up boxed meals and stick to unprocessed foods, you will automatically
begin to see weight loss results. These meals usually contain a high amount of
sodium and preservatives which add toxins to your cells, causing you to hold on to more fat.
- Eat plenty
of veggies with all meals, either raw or cooked, or both
Add 1-2 veggies to every meal. Eat one
raw with dip and one cooked with the meal, or mix them together and stirfry a full array of veggies. This will keep your meals interesting and your palate will be satisfied with the different tastes and textures.
- Eat nuts
as a snack instead of pretzels or processed crackers
Salty pretzels, although encouraged in many diets you read will readily turn to fat
(highly processed). Although nuts are high in calories, they are a natural food
that contains fiber, protein and assist in lowering bad cholesterol. Eat a handful
as a snack and you will stay full longer than if you consumed pretzels or processed crackers.
There are some whole grain crackers on the market that are a good alternative to nuts, but be sure to check the ingredients
for “whole grain” and avoid crackers made with enriched flours.
- Slice lean
meats, such as chicken or turkey breast, lean beef instead of buying salty, processed deli meat
Buy low-sodium lunch meats whenever possible.
Most packaged lunch meats contain high sodium content and preservatives. You
can roast a boneless turkey or chicken breast and slice it thin as lunchmeat for your meals and as the best option for sandwiches.
- Eat fish
at least twice per week for healthy fat
Monounsaturated fat powers your brain and builds your immune system and will help control
your bad cholesterol levels. It is the fat that is essential to life and you
should replace the saturated fat in your diet with monounsaturated fat. It’s
found in fish, nuts and olive oils. Dark fish contain the highest amount, such
as salmon and mackerel. However, it’s recommended you limit your fish consumption
to 3 times per week due to mercury levels or purchased farm-raised fish for healthiest benefits.
- Add olive
oil to your cooking regimen
If you’re not a fish person, start cooking foods in olive oil. Drizzle it on your vegetables or lightly dip your whole grain bread in it (instead of using butter) for
the best health benefits.
- Drink teas
or natural fruit juices (unsweetened) instead of soft drinks loaded with sugar
Little known fact – diet sodas spark your appetite. The toxicity levels in artificial sweeteners trigger your appetite and actually make you even more thirsty
causing you to drink more of the product. If you can replace your beverages with
unsweetened teas and water with lemon or lime, you can easily lose 10-20 pounds per year without even doing anything else. The sugar contained in full-sweetened sodas contributes to obesity, heart disease
and diabetes in a large amount of the population, something beverage companies will not tell you!
- Cut as much
sugar as possible from your diet to shrink your fat cells
Your body uses simple table sugar first for energy, then carbs from veggies and fruit,
then fat last. In order to get your body burning fat faster, you have to cut
out the first layer of sugar. This way your body will use the more fibrous carbohydrates
which benefit your body in other way and they also help release fat from your cells so your body can get to the fat-burning
mode faster. You’ll see great results in just 30 days by following this
- Eat as many
natural foods as possible during your day. If you can consume 90% of your meals
as outlined above, leaving the other 10% for sweet indulgence, such as a small portion of your favorite snack, you’ll
begin to see results in just days.
Never completely cut out the foods you love. You
have to find a compromise when it comes to sweets and fattening foods. By consuming
smaller portions of these foods while maintaining an otherwise healthy eating regimen, you’re on your way to changing
your body for the better. Better health, more confidence in a slimmer physique
and no harsh cravings to throw you off your plan, because you are still able to eat the foods you love, only in smaller portions.
Natural Peanut Butter on whole grain bread
Whole grain tortilla chips & salsa
Turkey Burger on Whole Grain Bun with Lettuce
Full-sugared and diet sodas
Brewed Teas and Lemon or Lime Flavored Water
Sweet Fruits such as Grapes, Raisins, Melon
Use Spaghetti Squash in place of pasta noodles
Low-Sugar Flavored Yogurt

Get this valuable E-Book
to compliment your
Weight Loss Program!
Always consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise program, especially
if you have pre-existing medical conditions.